A Case Study in Delivering Knowledge Effectively…

Image of a digital camera on a frame with an out of focus background of blue industrail equipment on a grey factory floor. The equipment is in focus in the camera's viewfinder screen

A chance conversation at a networking event led to a discussion about the difficulty in delivering the end-of-year address to everyone in a global manufacturing and supply company. The problem was that, due to the company’s operational structure, it appeared impossible to get everyone in the workforce together for the Chief Executive to address them. Furthermore, experience told them that written messages may not be read or even considered personal. We suggested a solution - Film the CEO addressing the company and staff members could then watch the video at work or in their own time.

With our experience, we could create a professional video that felt warm and personal yet maintained the professional feel and brand of this well-known organisation. Their CEO was able to express his thanks to the workforce for their hard work, announce the bonus structure resulting from the year’s success, and lay out the vision for the following year.

The style of filming made every viewer feel that it was an address made to them personally, with the company receiving positive feedback for using this approach. As a result, the company has now commissioned us to produce multiple “announcement” videos for them annually.

But there’s more - Following the success of this project, we were asked to produce a company profile video for them. They planned to use this to showcase the organisation to the local community and commissioned a second version to promote the company to the next generation as an attractive place to work.

As the value of video as a communication tool became more apparent to the senior management team, further discussions took place on how video could be used to streamline inductions and training methods and to explain the production process to prospective employees.

From these discussions, and over the past year, every visitor to the site is shown an induction video prior to arrival, containing all the health and safety information required for them to have a safe site visit. Also, PowerPoint-led training presentations have been replaced with training videos, ensuring that every training session now contains identical, consistent and repeatable information - nothing is ever missed.

Whilst there is an up-front cost involved in producing these videos, they can be used every time a new cohort comes on board or to top up training for existing employees as a reminder of their responsibilities with no additional cost per use. And, because of the way the videos are constructed, there is no ambiguity as to what the meaning is and the company’s ethos and culture are apparent from the first viewing. The films can be also amended or edited to add new or remove redundant information, meaning they have a long lifetime and provide a good return on investment.

Because of the nature of the business of this company and our respect for and commitment to upholding our responsibilities and the use of NDAs, we are not able to show any of the videos mentioned. However, here is an example of a company profile video we produced for Blairs Windows and Doors to give you a taste of what’s possible.

If you are interested in discussing an efficient, repeatable and consistent information delivery method that works for your audience, get in touch to find more.


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