Raising the profile of competition finalists with Scottish Edge

We initially began working with Scottish Edge during lockdown when we helped them to deliver their awards ceremony online by providing live online event management as well as video content.

Following on from this project, Scottish Edge asked us to work with them on some of the other awards they are involved with in relation to IBioIC and RBS. Each finalist in the competitions needed a company profile video to promote the companies projects and story. 

We travelled across Scotland to interview entrepreneurs, scientists and business owners to hear their story and why they should win. While we captured most of the finalists on location in and around their business, due to travel logistics and COVID restrictions and tight deadlines, we filmed some of the finalists over Zoom. Following on from filming we edited and created graphics to bring the films together. 

The films were used on the Scottish Edge website and across social media to raise the profile of the awards and tell the stories of the competitors.


Data Literacy in Schools launching this week